See some of our most frequently asked questions below

If you have more questions than we have answered you can always book a consultation with us.

Frequently Asked Questions

Operating your Hot Tub

The appliance is not currently classified as an “exempt appliance” by DEFRA; hence smoke emissions from the burning of wood will not comply with permitted levels in a Smoke Control Area. You should contact your local Council for further guidance if you suspect that you reside within a designated Smoke Control Area and are considering the wood-burning option.

Our standard sized hot tubs take approximately 2 hours to heat up. If you purchase an XL hot tub then it will take from 3-4 hours because it holds an extra 1000 litres of water.

Usually, it takes around 12 good-sized kiln-dried logs for a standard-size hot tub of 200cm.

If you do not treat the water you need to change it after 2-3 days.

However, there are a range of eco products to treat the water. This way you can extend the life of the water to 7 days.

You can also add an optional extra to your Hot Tub package in the form of a sand filter. A sand filter combined with water treatment can extend the life of your water up to 8 weeks.

Different packages hold different amounts of water. For example our range of wood-fired hot tubs hold the following:

  • Ofuro 800 litres
  • integrated 1200 litres
  • external 1400 litres
  • XL 2200 litres

A sand filter is a water purifying system designed to catch small debris(hair, skin fat, etc).

Everything depends on the logs you use. If you use kiln-dried or well-seasoned logs you get very little smoke. If you use wet/unseasoned logs or treated timber you will get a lot of smoke and unhappy neighbours.

The integrated package has the burner under the tub. With this configuration, you will lose one adult space but gain two small child seats plus it needs less water to fill up. However, it still takes 2 hours to heat up.

The external package has an extra adult space, it holds an extra 200 litres of water and the burner is on the outside of the tub.

There are a lot of different eco products out there for the hot tubs.

When you place the order or after you placed the order we can advise you on the water treatment options available. We can also provide you with a discount code so you would save money on your water treatment.

NO! Unfortunately, coal burns too hot and it can damage your burner very quickly.

You can use chlorine tablets in a float but only Moderately. If you use it heavily it will shorten the life of your burner.

We do not advise using bromine at all.

Purchasing and Installation

Yes, we offer finance through Ideal4Finance to help make your purchasing decision that bit easier.

You can immediately check your eligibility online directly from here prior to applying for your finance package.

We normally try to get your order delivered and installed within 4 weeks from the date of order.

In some cases, it has been 1 day to 1 week. If you need a hot tub delivered even more quickly, please give us a call and we can discuss available options

For all of our hot tubs, we deliver we try to make sure we install and test on the day.

For this to happen we need reasonably good access to where your new Hot tub is going to go. The requirements are:

  • Minimum 1-metre width and 2.15 metres height for the standard 2-metre size hot tub.
  • If you go for an XL package we require at lease 1.25 m width and 2.45 m height.
  • When measuring you ned to make sure you always measure the narrowest/lowest part of the walkway/ally way.
  • You also need to make sure there is no sudden or sharp corners or steps with pillars.

Most customers have enough access to enable us to install for you. However, there can be different circumstances and very rarely, where access to the garden is not available you will need to book a crane for another day. In these scenarios we leave the tub in front of your house or wherever you ask us to leave it until the crane or other lifting equipment arrives.

If we cannot install for you, we do try to give you the best installation instructions possible and are always available to support you on the phone.

If you are not sure about anything please give us a call or send us a short walkthrough video from your drive to where the hot tub needs to go on your property.

If you call us we can ask some questions or ask for some additional measurements to make sure the delivery and installation are possible when we arrive.

The narrowest gap between buildings/walls is 100cm width and a height of 220cm.

All our hot tubs come fully assembled only.

If you are not sure if it would fit please give us a call to discuss available options.

Unfortunately, we don’t. You would need to organise some sort of lifting means yourselves. We are happy to assist with it on the day.

Payment and Finance

All our Tubs and their components come with 12-month warranty.

Yes, we do.

We can offer a fixed monthly payment plan for up to 4 years with a 0% deposit.

Do you have any questions about this product?

We want you to be completely confident in your new hot tub or sauna. Let our experienced, friendly and professional team guide you through every step of the way.

We’re a family run business, so the people you speak with by phone and email, will be the same people you meet during delivery and installation, at shows and events, on our social media channels and in our closed community group for owners just like you, who help and advice each other.